List of participants
- Zykov Sergey, Universit? del Salento, Lecce, Italy
- Dragovic Vladimir, Mathematical Physics Group of the University of Lisbon/Mathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade
- Skrypnyk Taras, Universita di Milano-Bicocca
- Zhukov Michael, Russia
- Chang Jen-Hsu , National Defense University, Taiwan
- Mironov Andrey, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
- Conte Robert, LRC MESO, Ecole normale supe'rieure de Cachan et CEA-DAM, France
- Maciej Dunajski, University of Cambridge
- Prykarpatsky Anatoliy, The Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University of Drohobych, Lviv region, Ukraine
- Samsonov Alexander, The Ioffe Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Morozov Oleg, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, Tromso University, Norway
- Athorne Christopher, University of Glasgow, Scotland
- Rosenhaus Vladimir, California State University, Chico, USA
- Milanov Todor, IPMU
- Marvan Michal, Mathematical Institute in Opava
- Dryuma Valery, Seniour Researcher of IMI AS RM
- Popowicz Ziemowit , Institute of Theoretical Physics
- Shadrin Sergey, University of Amsterdam
- Brezhnev Yurii, Tomsk State University
- Helminck Gerard, KdV Institute University of Amsterdam
- Braden Harry, University of Edinburgh
- Babich Mikhail, POMI
- Magri Franco, Department of Mathematics- Universita
- Lorenzoni Paolo, University of Milano-Bicocca
- Agafonov Sergey, Departamento de Matem?tica, CCEN, Universidade Federal da Para?ba
- Belokolos Eugene, Institut of Magnetism, Kiev
- Kamchatnov Anatoly, Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Bogdanov Leonid, L D Landau ITP RAS
- orlov alexander, Institute of Oceanology
- Красильщик Иосиф, Независимый московский университет
- Moxley Frederick, Louisiana Tech University
- van de Leur Johannes, Mathematical Institute, University of Utrecht
- Tsarev Sergey, Siberian Federal University
- Chesnokov Alexander, Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics
- Shabat Alexey, Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Bunkova Elena, Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS, Moscow
- Buchstaber Victor, Steklov Math. Institute
- Tamara Grava, SISSA
- Gershun Victor, Physics
- Verbovetsky Alexander, Independent University of Moscow
- Maltsev Andrey, L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Raimondo Andrea, SISSA - Italy
- England Matthew, University of Glasgow
- Gurevich Dimitri, Valenciennes University
- Kalyakin Leonid, Institute of mathematics RAS
- Faddeev Ludwig, SPb dept of Steklov math inst
- Zakharov Vladimir, Novosibirsk university, Russia; University of Arizona, USA
- Mikhailov Alexander, University of Leeds
- Хабибуллин Исмагил, ведущий научный сотрудник отдела мат. физики
- Feigin Misha, University of Glasgow, UK
- Pogrebkov Andrei, Steklov Mathematical Institute
- Cirilo-Lombardo Diego Julio, BLTP-JINR(Dubna)/UFPB-Brazil
- Peradzynski Zbigniew, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Iniversity of Warsaw
- Mamedova Firuza, student, Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Basalaev Alexey, Leibniz University Hannover
- Yakhno Alexander, University of Guadalajara, Mexico
- Carlet Guido, Universita di Milano
- Buryak Alexandr, Moscow state university
- Natanzon Sergey, The Higher School of Economics
- Grinevich Petr, L.D.Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Korotkin Dmitry, Concordia University
- Ibragimov Nail, Blekinge Institute of Technology
- Miskinis Paulius, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- Gazizov Rafail, Ufa State Aviation Technical University
- Sheinman Oleg, Steklov Mathematical Institute
- Ryzhii Victor, Computational Nanoelectronics Lab.
- Ryabova Nadezhda, Computational Nanoelectronics Lab., University of Aizu
- Ryzhii Maxim, Division of Computer Sci, University of Aizu
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