![]() Bogolyuubov Laboratory
Laboratory Seminar 03.09.2018.
In the framework of a visit of a delegation of the Shanghai Transportation
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
to the MSU, the representatives of the
School of Mathematics of the
Shanghai Transportation
Professors Zhen Zhao and Dongmei Xiao
visited Bogolyuubov Laboratory
of Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics on 03.09.2018.
At the Laboratory Seminar the researchers of Laboratory delivered scientific
talks: N.Yu.Erokhovetz "Geometry and Topology of fullerenes"
and M.V.Pavlov "Classical mechanical systems with one one-and-a-half degrees of freedom".
The presentation by Professor Dongmei Xiao was devoted to the history
of the Shanghai Transportation
University, its celebrated alumni and the current research in mathematics
and mechanics in the STU.
Signing of Agreement 04.09.2018.
An agreement
between the MSU and
the Shanghai Transportation University
about cooperation in the field of mathemetics between
was signed on 04.09.2018.
The MSU is represented by the Bogolyubov Laboratory
of Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics
and the Shanghai Transportation University is represented by
the Center of Mathematical Sciences
named after
Wu Wenjun.
Directions of researchInfinite-dimensional integrable systems of Mathematical Physics
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(V.Manuilov, E.Troitsky, A.Mishchenko, D.Millionshchikov, A.Penskoi and others)
The analogy between the quantization and the passage from commutative to non-commutative geometry lies in the basement of applications of non-commutative geometry methods in mathematical physics. The essence of this analogy is as follows. Consider a "good" topological space X. It corresponds to a C*-algebra... Read more in Russian »(V.Buchshtaber, T.Panov, A.Gaifullin and others)
The general theory of toric actions has a long history of development and forms an important field in the domain of equivariant topology. Simultaneously with this development a new domain, named toric topology, arised. The toric topology studies algebraic, combinatorial, differential and homotopy aspects of torus actions with a rich combinatorial structure of their orbit spaces. An important property of this field is ... Read more in Russian »(C.Klein, P.Grinevich, R.Razumovskiy and others)
Several rather independent computational approaches are developed in the Laboratory. These directions can be splitted in three groups, closely related with the basic theoretical problems of our research groups. Read more in Russian »